About the Project

Health Matters Meath is a dynamic education programme designed to support the health and wellbeing of families and individuals living in Direct Provision accommodation across County Meath. Focusing on family wellbeing, the programme offers tailored education resources to enhance health literacy, self-care practices, and mental health among participants.

Key components of the programme include:

    1. Health@Home: A 6-week course to develop health literacy skills.
    2. InsideOut: A 6-week course to improve communication and parenting skills, particularly post-trauma.
    3. SIGN: A 6-week course supporting adolescents’ mental health and wellbeing.

In addition to these training programmes, Health Matters features Sanctuary in Nature and Heritage day excursions and Green Care days at Sonairte Ecology Centre, supporting integration and connection through nature-based activities. Community festivals and a final conference will further promote social inclusion and cultural exchange, engaging both IPAs and local residents.

Requirement for the Project

The Health Matters project addresses several critical needs faced by IPAs residing in Direct Provision centers in County Meath. Many residents experience isolation, mental health struggles, and a lack of social integration. The limited access to public or personal transportation exacerbates feelings of separation and confinement. Mental health issues such as anxiety and depression are prevalent due to prolonged isolation and limited activities. Parents also face significant stress and family conflicts during their transition, while adolescents need support in developing coping strategies for their mental health and wellbeing.

Language barriers further hinder effective communication and integration with host communities, contributing to a sense of detachment and loneliness. The need for comprehensive mental health and wellbeing services, alongside opportunities for social engagement and cultural exchange, is critically important for these individuals.

Project Objectives

Objective 1: Enhance Mental Health and Wellbeing

    • Facilitate training programmes for families and adolescents to increase knowledge and understanding of mental health, wellbeing, and healthy communication during transitions.
    • Deliver three 6-week courses: Health@Home, InsideOut, and SIGN, each supporting 20 participants.

Objective 2: Promote Integration through Nature

    • Conduct three Sanctuary in Nature and Heritage day excursions and three Green Care days at Sonairte Ecology Centre.
    • Engage 30 IPAs and 10 local volunteers per event, promoting intercultural learning and community connection.

Objective 3: Enhance Community Connectivity

    • Host three Health Matters Community Festivals and a final conference to build sustainable relationships and share project impacts.
    • Engage IPAs, community members, and stakeholders in inclusive events.

Engagement and Outreach

Health Matters will focus on engaging a diverse group of participants through a variety of activities and leveraging established relationships to maximise the projects impact. Key elements include: 

    • Participant Engagement: Involve 430 IPAs, 60 volunteers, and 130 community members in various activities.
    • Established Relationships: Utilise connections with Direct Provision centers across County Meath to reach residents.
    • Extensive Outreach Networks: Promote the project through mailing lists, WhatsApp groups, and social media.
    • Local Collaboration: Partner with local organisations for referrals and additional support.


The Health Matters project is expected to significantly improve the mental health and wellbeing of 430 IPAs by providing them with tailored training programmes. These programmes will enhance their knowledge and skills in areas such as mental health, communication, and coping strategies, contributing to their overall wellbeing.

Promoting social inclusion is another key impact, as the project aims to support stronger connections and cultural exchange between IPAs and local community members. Engaging 60 volunteers and 130 community participants in various activities and events will help build a more inclusive and supportive community.

The project also seeks to encourage community cohesion by creating sustainable relationships and a sense of belonging among participants. Interactive activities and events will benefit both IPAs and the local community, promoting integration and mutual understanding.

Finally, Health Matters will leverage County Meath’s natural landscapes to support holistic wellbeing and integration efforts. Through the utilising of these local resources, the project aims to provide participants with opportunities for outdoor activities and nature-based experiences that enhance their mental and physical health.

Project Updates

Keep an eye on this page for updates as the project is rolled out across County Meath!

Further information

If you would like more information about the Health Matters project or are interested in participating as an individual or involving your community, please contact us at 046-9280790 or email info@meathpartnership.ie.

This project is funded by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth through the International Protection Integration Fund 2024.