About the Project

The Familiar Faces project is a 3-year initiative, commencing in July 2024 and running through to December 2026. This community-driven project is designed to facilitate the integration of International Protection Applicants (IPAs), migrants, and refugees into Meath's communities.

The project revolves around a befriending service that pairs trained volunteers with newly arrived individuals. This "buddy" system is intended to help participants acclimate to their new environment, gain a thorough understanding of local services and community groups, and establish social connections during the critical early months of their arrival. The project will be executed in three editions, each engaging 15 volunteers and 15 IPAs, with oversight from a dedicated full-time Project Coordinator and support from Meath Partnership’s core programmes.

Requirement for the Project

The necessity for the Familiar Faces project stems from the significant challenges that migrants face when integrating into host communities. Research highlights several key issues, including a lack of local knowledge, limited understanding of civic and political operations, and insufficient social networks. These problems are exacerbated in rural areas where many refugees and displaced individuals reside, particularly those arrining in Ireland due to the Ukrainian crisis. Existing government initiatives have not fully addressed these gaps, leading to a pressing need for community-driven solutions. Migrant civil organisations often create strong internal bonds but fail to establish connections with the broader community, further isolating migrants.

The Familiar Faces project seeks to bridge these gaps by providing local information and creating social bonds between migrants and the community.

Project Objectives

    1. Support Integration: The primary objective of the project is to facilitate the meaningful integration of IPAs, migrants, and refugees into Meath's communities. This will be achieved through personalised community development efforts that promote inclusivity and social cohesion.
    2. Volunteer Training: To enhance the understanding of integration and inclusion among befriending volunteers, providing them with clear insights into their roles and equipping them with the necessary skills to support participants effectively.
    3. Participant Awareness: To increase the awareness of local amenities and a sense of inclusion among participants. This includes helping them navigate their new community and access essential services.
    4. Organisational Engagement: To raise awareness, knowledge, and critical understanding of integration, migration, and inclusion within local businesses and organisations. This will be done through targeted diversity training sessions.
    5. Capacity Building: To strengthen the capacity of local community and voluntary organisations for delivering high-quality integration efforts within their communities. This includes leveraging existing programmes and developing new collaborations to support the project's goals.

Engagement and Outreach

The project will undertake extensive engagement and outreach activities to ensure its success and sustainability:

    • Volunteers and Participants: Each edition of the project will involve 15 volunteers and 15 IPAs, totaling 90 individuals over three years. Volunteers will be recruited from the community, including through local organisations and recruitment events. Participants will be identified from among the most vulnerable community members, including those in Direct Provision Centres and new arrivals from Ukraine.
    • Training and Activities: Volunteers and participants will undergo training, consisting of 6 training days (2 full days per target group, per edition). The project will include 12 months of befriending activities, where volunteers and participants engage in community exploration and integration efforts. There will also be 6 reflection days to assess progress and plan next steps.
    • Community Involvement: The project will engage 15 local businesses and organisations in diversity training to promote a welcoming and inclusive environment. This will involve collaboration with entities that have not previously been involved in integration efforts, thereby expanding the reach and impact of the project.
    • Public Outreach: The project will maintain an active online presence through regular social media updates and newsletters issued every six months. Annual press releases will highlight the project's impact, and three annual celebration events will bring together participants, volunteers, and community members to celebrate achievements and enhance community spirit.


The Familiar Faces project aims to create lasting social bonds between newcomers and the local community, thereby enhancing integration and reducing social isolation. Through facilitating mutual understanding and cooperation, the project will contribute to a more inclusive and supportive community environment. Specific impacts include:

    • Social Bonds: Establishing a buddy system will help newcomers form meaningful relationships and support networks, easing their transition into the community.
    • Awareness and Understanding: Training sessions for volunteers and local businesses will raise awareness of the challenges faced by migrants and the importance of integration, promoting a culture of inclusion.
    • Community Engagement: Through involving local businesses and organisations, the project will support a more inclusive community that values diversity and supports the integration of newcomers.
    • Documentary: In the third year, a 15-20 minute documentary titled ‘Familiar Faces’ will be produced to showcase the project's journey and its positive impact on participants and the wider community.

Project Updates

Keep an eye on this page for updates as the project is rolled out across County Meath!

Further information

If you would like more information about the Familiar Faces project or are interested in participating as an individual or involving your community, please contact us at 046-9280790 or email Marie Kennedy, Familiar Faces Project Coordinator, at marie.kennedy@meathpartnership.ie.

Familiar Faces is supported by the National Integration Fund.