The TÚS initiative is a community work placement scheme providing short-term quality work experience opportunities for unemployed people. The work opportunities are to the benefit of the community and are provided by community and voluntary organisations in both urban and rural areas.
The TÚS initiative in County Meath is managed by Meath Partnership on behalf of the Department of Social Protection, which has overall responsibility for the scheme. Unemployed people who are eligible to participate in the scheme are selected randomly and are contacted directly by the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection.
All the work carried out by participants on the TÚS scheme will be community-based. The types of projects eligible for the scheme may include:
To be eligible to participate in the TÚS scheme you must:
Unemployed people who are eligible for the scheme will be identified and contacted by their local Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection office or Intreo centre and offered the opportunity to participate in the scheme.
If they agree to participate in the TÚS scheme they will be referred to Meath Partnership where they will be recruited for a suitable placement when it becomes available in their own local area.
Eligible individuals may refer themselves to the programme. If you wish to do so, please contact the Tús Team using the Self-Referral Form at the bottom of this page.
Participants on Tús scheme may take up other part-time employment provided it does not interfere with the work and times of the Tús work placement. If participants are offered full-time alternative work, they may terminate their work placement contract with Tús.
Under the National Employment Action Plan, individuals in receipt of Jobseeker’s Allowance (JA) are required to take up work opportunities such as the offer of a Tús Scheme work placement.
If they refuse a work opportunity without good reason, they may have their DEASP payment reduced or terminated. If, following a refusal of a placement, an individuals payment is reduced or terminated, they may appeal this decision to the Social Welfare Appeals Office within 21 days.
Participants will work for 19 ½ hours a week with the placement lasting 12 months. They will receive the same statutory annual leave and public holiday entitlement as other employees. When the placement finishes, they should sign on again with their local DEASP office.
Once a Tús placement has been completed they cannot participate in the TÚS scheme again for 3 years.
If you need childcare in order to participate in the TÚS scheme, you may be eligible for the After-School Child Care (ASCC) scheme.
The minimum weekly payment for participants on the Tús Scheme (based on 19.5 hours worked) is €259.50. While you are on the Tús Scheme you retain the equivalent of your normal weekly social welfare payment with a top up of €27.50. You will also retain all your secondary benefits e.g. medical card.
The rules that apply to Jobseeker’s Allowance also apply to the TÚS payment. In order to avoid any possible overpayments, if there is any change in your circumstances, you should inform Meath Partnership and your DEASP office as soon as possible.
The TÚS payment is taxable but the amount payable depends on individual circumstances. Class A PRSI contributions will be paid for all participants. Those earning more than €352 a week will pay a PRSI contribution. Participants on the TÚS scheme are exempt from the Universal Social Charge.
Tús work placements are proposed and provided by community and voluntary organisations. These organisations must provide good quality work opportunities that are of benefit to the community. Organisations with a proposed work placement should register with Meath Partnership. They will be asked to submit a proposal detailing the work and the number of participants requested. Meath Partnership. will assess and make a decision on the proposal.
In general, eligible Sponsor Group organisations must:
Individuals, private and public bodies, fee paying schools and colleges and commercial entities are not eligible to participate in the Tús Scheme as sponsor groups.
For more information or to speak directly to the Tús Team contact:
Phone: 046-9280790