
Integrity is a core value for us, in terms of being accountable for what we do and transparent in how we do it, with strong governance for those who entrust their funds and delivery of their services to our stewardship. Meath Partnership is a Company Limited by Guarantee. The Company’s Constitution is our founding governance document and provides that the business and affairs of the Company shall be managed by the Board of Directors.

The main objects of the company are to promote, support, assist and engage in: 

    1. Social development;
    2. Enterprise development to facilitate rural and urban regeneration; and
    3. Community development, designed to benefit and promote the welfare of local communities or to deal with the causes and consequences of social and economic disadvantage or poverty

Subsidiary objects to the above are: 

    1. To promote social inclusion through community initiatives and through inputting as required into policy formulation at the local and national levels
    2. To promote economic development and to increase employment and enterprise, including and in particular though the provision of education and training and to input as required into policy formulation at the local, national and European levels
    3. To promote wider participation in voluntary activity and to promote the networking of community and voluntary organisations
    4. To provide local community rural development and or local community urban development through community initiatives for social, economic and cultural renewal
    5. To promote social inclusion, to promote economic development, to increase employment and enterprise, including and in particular through the provision of education and training and promote wider participation in voluntary activity
    6. To provide support through initiatives involving the allocation of grant monies
    7. To have regard to the strategic objectives as set out in the National Rural Development Programme and or the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme and or the LEADER Programme and such other extending or replacing Programmes as may from time to time be adopted by the Government of Ireland
    8. To work as a non-exclusive development agency in conjunction and liaison with State agencies, structures and local authorities in seeking to achieve its objectives
    9. To adopt a cohesive approach with other national and local agencies, including Local Enterprise Offices and in particular the Local Community Development Committee, to ensure an integrated approach to service delivery at local level
    10. To support the development of resource based activities including business, tourism, food, equine and forestry
    11. To promote equality of opportunity in the assessment of application for aid
    12. To promote support and assist and engage in activities in support of the development of infrastructure

Our board are committed to attaining the highest standards of corporate governance. Accordingly, transparency and accountability are constant priorities of the Board, its dedicated Finance, Audit and Compliance Sub-Committee and our staff. Our board act in a voluntary capacity and are non-executive Directors. We confirm that a review of our organisation’s compliance with the principles in the Code of Governance for Charities was conducted and was based on an assessment of our organisational practice in line with the recommended actions for each principle. These princples are as follows: 

    • Principle 1: Advancing Charitable Purpose
    • Principle 2: Behaving with Intergrity
    • Principle 3: Leading People
    • Principle 4: Exercising Control
    • Principle 5: Working Effectively
    • Principle 6: Being Accountable

We confirm that our organisation is committed to the standards outlined in these principles. We commit to reviewing our organisational practice in line with the recommended actions for each principle each year.

Board of directors

Board Member Representing / Sector
Aishling Sheridan                                              Louth and Meath Education and Training Board
Anton McCabe Services Industrial Professional and Technical Union (SIPTU)
Bernie Burke Enterprise (Agri Food)
David Gilroy Elected Representative / Boyne Valley Tourism
Eddie Downey (Chair) Irish Farmers Association
Lynda Tully Meath County Childcare Committee
Garvan Hanley Enterprise (Service Provision)
James Ellis Public Participation Network (Community)
John Corbally Public Participation Network (Community)
Marie Vaughan Enable Ireland
Niall Daly Enterprise (Tourism)
Paraic Ó Gríofa Gaeltacht Regions
Roista Moyles  Enterprise (Artisan Food)
Vincent Treacy Teagasc


Our vision is “to provide the people of Meath with the most effective possible engagement opportunities in facilitating and supporting the process of positive change in people’s lives”.


Our mission is “to support the emergence of a society in which all members enjoy equality of opportunity in participating as fully as possible in the social, civic and economic life of Co. Meath thereby enhancing their quality of life, experiences and collective wellbeing”.


Meath Partnership’s programme management and implementation on behalf of the European Union, the State and collaborating partners is based on nine operating principles informed by the core values of our organisation:

    1. We are committed to modelling our behaviour on being of service to our customers, partners, stakeholders, funders and one another, and not on any supposed corporate, personal or collective superiority or advantage
    2. We honour the trust placed in us by our customers, supporters, staff, stakeholders and funders, endeavouring to manage all our resources transparently and in a manner that reflects our motivation. We aim to do the right things for the right reasons, whether or not anyone will know
    3. We operate on the basis of respect for all people; in particular, we aim to value fully each customer and to affirm personal dignity and uniqueness. This respect is also the foundation for our relationships with communities and with others involved in our work – supporters, funders, colleagues and stakeholders
    4. We are committed to being good stewards of resources, exercising a thoughtful and cost effective use of time, skills and finances. We promote excellence, professionalism and best practice in all aspects of our work, seeking to maximise every opportunity to fulfil our mission
    5. We are committed to providing services, resources and encouragement that equip our customers, their families and communities for better economic prospects, new futures, new hopes and dignity
    6. The Board of Meath Partnership has a duty to act visibly, predictably and understandably to promote participation and transparency. We strive to provide all members, customers, stakeholders and funders with timely, accurate, relevant and accessible information necessary for a full analysis and evaluation of our operations
    7. We aim to ensure that all members and officials of Meath Partnership are answerable for their actions and that there is redress when duties and commitments are not met to the best of their abilities
    8. We are committed to providing local communities and their representatives with a real say in the delivery of our services locally
    9. We are committed to promoting social inclusion and equality in all aspects of our work within County Meath by providing a resource through which individuals can fully explore their capacity to participate in economic and social life. We provide our services to these individuals regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, civil status, age, family status or disability 

Compliance & Good Practice

Meath Partnership is in full compliance with the Guidelines for Charitable Organisations on Fundraising from the Public. Meath Partnership is deeply committed to adherence to these guidelines as a pillar of trust in all our dealings with our benefactors.

Our Donor Charter specifies the guarantees we provide and the undertakings which support and inform our relationships with donors. Transparency and open communications lies at the heart of this donor charter which is fully underpinned by our public Compliance Statement which specifies clearly the commitments, procedures and actions we have entered into, developed and designed to give effect to our compliance undertaking.

With regard to governance standards, Meath Partnership introduced the ‘Excellence Through People Standard’ into the company in 2009. In 2015, the company took the decision to comprehensively review governance structures to reach the standards laid down in the national Charities Governance Code and has in place all the necessary policies and procedures required. Meath Partnership also adheres to National Quality Standards for Volunteer Centres.

The implementation of high standards and good practice in accordance with company policies and procedures is monitored by the Finance and Audit Sub-Committee and overseen by the Board of Directors.

Meath Community Rural and Social Development Partnership CLG t/a Meath Partnership (CRO Reg. No. 422454) is registered with the Charities Regulator (Charity Registration Number: 20064235).